Ulay opened the Waterwheel World Water Day Symposium - 3WDS14, on 18 March 2014, on the Tap, Waterwheel video conferencing/media mixing system. Following last year’s success, this 3rd online edition of Waterwheel World Water Day Symposium - 3WDS14 will be hosted in partnership during the week leading up to World Water Day.
25th November , Wednesday at 9am Cet - site testing. Test-ing: examines the endurance of site - how much players can support without problems? Will be 6 performers on site players, trough justin.tv server, which will try to explore site stability. Is preparing for futured group performance, that will explore performances of old avagarde, example dada text, acts, losing a linear way of thinking, playing with the formal method of presentation of the text and words...
Test-ing, artskylight. com - performance happened 25th October on the Platform artskylight.com, using justin server...Read about: When wrote about a "transcendetal homelessness" of modern mind, Lukac meant about ambivalence of that position, which need imanet totalitarity but is a fragmentary, individual but searching for communion, ironic but searching for wholeness, which is especially the secular, separate from sacrality.
On 9 January 2004, the first version of UpStage was formally launched and released into the world as a platform for cyberformance (live online performance). A decade later, UpStage invite artists to join in celebrating this auspicious milestone and imagine what might come next …In January 2014, UpStage will be ten years old!