Test-ing artskylight@My Body My Pictures - Cyber xBody x Art x Dance Session

Test-ing, artskylight. com - performance happened 25th October on the Platform artskylight.com, using justin server...Read about: When wrote about a "transcendetal homelessness" of modern mind, Lukac meant about ambivalence of that position, which need imanet totalitarity but is a fragmentary, individual but searching for communion, ironic but searching for wholeness, which is especially the secular, separate from sacrality.

The ambivalence of cultural primitivism based on manufacturing differences, self-reflection, and ambivalence of colonial discourses, which is seen in the employment of different epistemological and axiological assumptions. The dynamics of these two discourses is a very important figure in the study of primitive corpuses and differences. Man of nature supposed "night" and mnimezis like a way of understanding natural processes, while "day living system" of cultural education, assumes nobility of education and in-authenticity. The modern savage instinctive return in the time where is used mythological language, and than rejects his own antithesis of modern corrupted, politicized, activistic, ideological beings to take a searching for a subject which is "abstract machine, boomerang of otherness, hisown jungle" ...all of those - beyond of the classifications "master and servant" and without aesthetic values ​​of bourgeois society.

My body, my picture is such journey into ...

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