Introducing ourselves and our Terms conditions:
1. The main idea of this site is to let you to perform your work in the digital field like: performances, programming, animations, musical performance etc. and to share all these with ppl interested from all over the world.
2. The performers or viewers can come here as long they respect the others rights and work with decency and good sense.
3. To be part of our community first you must to fill some fields introducing yourself and telling us and the others something about you, as is normal in any friendship community .
4. Our administrators will give you then the right to access the platform or will revoke this right for the following reasons :
a) disturbing the other users work during the working process and performances ( as you know all are in real time and we all need to be enjoying and creative ).
b) performing some indecent materials that are against the normal good sense accepting, like explicit sexual and violent behaviour, because as we said this is a place for digital art performance such a musical, 3D animation perform, programing work and so on, but not for any strange exhibition place.
5. As you easily see we r not here to restrict your acts, but to encourage artistically work.
All these being said cos` we are glad to host you to express yourself and to be part of our community!