Test-ing artskylight@My Body My Pictures - Cyber xBody x Art x Dance Session |
Read about: When wrote about a "transcendetal homelessness" of modern mind, Lukac meant about ambivalence of that position, which need imanet totalitarity but is a fragmentary, individual but searching for communion, ironic but searching for wholeness, which is especially the secular, separate from sacrality. The ambivalence of cultural primitivism based on manufacturing differences, self-reflection, and ambivalence of colonial discourses, which is seen in the employment of different epistemological and axiological assumptions. The dynamics of these two discourses is a very important figure in the study of primitive corpuses and differences. Man of nature supposed "night" and mnimezis like a way of understanding natural processes, while "day living system" of cultural education, assumes nobility of education and inauthenticity. The modern savage instinctive return in the time where is used mythological language, and than rejects his own antithesis of modern corrupted, politicized, activistic, ideological beings to take a searching for a subject which is "abstract machine, boomerang of otherness, hisown jungle" ...all of those - beyond of the classification "master and servant" and without aesthetic values of bourgeois society. My body, my picture is such journey into ... |
Location : artskylight.com |