UpStage 121212 Festival

From Wednesday 05 December 2012
To Wednesday 12 December 2012
by  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Hits : 1244

The 121212 UpStage Festival of Cyberformance took place 5-12 December 2012 and consisted of two parts: “Walking backwards into the future” and “Testing – 1 2, 1 2, 1 2″ - We opened up the festival to artists creating cyberformance in platforms other than UpStage, as there are now many other interesting platforms, and this resulted in an excellent range of proposals.

Walking backwards into the future
- remounted cyberformances from the past 5 festivals (5-11 December)     

Testing – 1 2, 1 2, 1 2
- new works in UpStage and other networked platforms (12 December)

The programme of online performances, which can be watched from internet-connected computers anywhere in the world, was augmented by “real-life access nodes” in 14 locations around the world; click here to see the 121212 node line-up.


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