CyPosium an online symposium on cyberformance - 12 Octo­ber 2012

Friday 12 October 2012by  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Hits : 1226

On 12 Octo­ber 2012, a cyber­for­mance sym­po­sium will be hosted by UpStage, the Water­wheel Tap and inde­pen­dent cyber­form­ers, where cyber­form­ers will dis­cuss their online per­for­mances with other artists, researchers and inter­ested par­tic­i­pants.

Ques­tions we would like to tackle in CyPo­sium include: What dif­fer­ent kind of events hap­pened? What did they make pos­si­ble? What was spe­cial about the event? Why were things done in a cer­tain way and what were the results?

Since the early 1990s, there has been a grow­ing body of live per­for­mance that is sit­u­ated online. These events dif­fer enor­mously in form and con­tent, are described with mul­ti­ple terms (such as cyber­for­mance, remote per­for­mance, inter­net the­atre, screen stage, computer-mediated per­for­mance), are staged in a vari­ety of online envi­ron­ments (such as text-based and graph­i­cal chat rooms, sound broad­cast, real time chore­og­ra­phy for screen, vir­tual worlds, games and purpose-built or exist­ing plat­forms as for instance face­book) and engage diverse audi­ences. The net, how­ever, is for­get­ful: it loses the mem­ory of those events, and of the peo­ple who lived them, of the envi­ron­ments and com­mu­ni­ties who hosted them.

  Look at site: HERE


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