SOLSTICE - 22 June 2012 |
Friday 22 June 2012 | by
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As a kid, many years ago, in each neighbourhood, we were celebrating the night of St John with singing & dancing around bonfires, custom of our European ancestors. SOLSTICE is an event marking the highest position of the sun as seen from the North or South Pole. Solstices influence the tides & therefore the life cycle. It is the shortest or longest day of the year according where you live.
- 'Shadows XXX' game-performance
by Carlotta Brunetti (Germany), Katarina Djordjevic Urosevic (Serbia) & Suzon Fuks (Australia)
A game-performance playing on the poetry and variation of shadows according to the time of the day.
We will invite audience members to come on stage with a guest log in (they will need Flash player updated, and “ALLOW” the flash settings, before dragging & dropping the webcam icon from top left corner of the page)
- 'Dies Natalis Solis Invicti'
'The day sun rises invincible' by Julieta Alicata, Marina Quesada & team (Argentina)
Video-dance, theatre, body projections, and music, edited on-line with Waterwheel's TAP palette of tools.
- 'Flow Time'
by Victoria Gibson (Canada), live from New York City
Victoria will mix video of water in summer & improvise music. She invites performers to join her.
Curator, Alberto Vazquez (Buenos Aires, Argentina): artist, sculptor, and director of Reciclarte 2.0 (artists networking and a network of artists), made the scenery with recycled materials. Alberto works in collaborative artwork done in Argentina and elsewhere in the world.
Curador: Alberto Vazquez-Buenos Aires-Argentina.Director de Reciclarte 2.0(Red de artistas y artistas en la red): Artista plástico y escultor, realiza las escenografías de las performances on-line, con reciclado - Trabaja en obras de arte colaborativas en Argentina y cualquier parte de