Water-Wheel / TAP - running!

Saturday 23 April 2011by  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Hits : 1273

TAP is running for 6 webcams with a tool palette which allows to drag, rotate, resize, flip vertically & horizontally the webcams in real time. Below a sped up recording of an exercise on the presentation space of the TAP (we don't see the chat on the right side, nor the main tool palette which will be on top).  3 webcam windows: with Hedva in London, with Katarina in Belgrade and with Suzon in Brisbane.


1- move your webcam window around the space without touchingthe other ones.
2- same as before but using tool palette resizing, flipping, dragging, rotating the webcam windows.

Hedva ran a workshop at the HTTP gallery in London.  Below a sped up recording.  4 webcam windows: (at the start - top left) 1 with Suzon in Brisbane, (top right) 1 with Katarina in Belgrade and (bottom) 2 in London in 2 rooms.

SCORE 3: keep contact with part of your body with someone in another webcam window.
after some time, a person in London manipulated the windows while score continued.

Look at W-W blog: HERE


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